Friday, August 12, 2011

20110813 - Like we ain't never seen a park before....

The view from our room.

Someone left a spire in the middle of the city and Selina was keen to find it. It makes all those times she found my keys, the remote, my wallet, my car, my dinner, my cell phone, etc, seem so insignificant!

Promenade side street off Queen St.... Imbibed here. Went out to dinner tonight in downtown Auckland at Father Ted's Irish Pub and had a few of the Father's brews. They are not brewed here, but they are brewed locally and as it turns out, these Kiwi's can make a fine drought!
This park we found across the street from the Hotel is part of the Auckland University campus. This is why I brought the good camera! I can't wait to get on the open road and get scientific with this thing. I can only hope the sky clears up soon. Forecasts are not electronics friendly. (Not like that will stop me)

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